Agenda: NAWC Endorsers; Process Committee report; Plans for the 3rd Friday; Chicago and national scene; Long-Term Strategy
Announcement: Adam had put together a 2 page list of groups that had endorsed NAWC in the past and color coded it: Red for current; Blue for past endorsement but not sure the group still exists; Green for no documentation. The list was passes around. Adam mentioned that for the Oct 27th Rallies, NAWC sent a bus but the Chicago crowd was only 5,000-10,000. Nationally the numbers were only about 100,000. No local coverage!
Process Committee report from Pete and Joel. 1) They had developed a questionnaire to send to approximately 10 former involved members that are no longer coming so as to ask why they were no longer engaged and how we might improve. They wanted feedback. 2) The 2nd questionnaire would be for present members and ask about what (creative) things NAWC could do that they would be interested in helping with.
Present members added their ideas about how to improve meetings. There was some discussion about how to engage more students and young people [weekend activities, meetings on campuses]; how to be more visible [more on the street activities (such as the one in Hayward, on Lake, major intersections)] how to have more diversity in our actions [buy nothing days, street theatre, moratoriums].
Attendees also discussed different ways that we might organize within the Coalition – whether there would be tiers. Eventually this discussion, while generating many good ideas, was moved to next meeting and LTS so that November 16th could be discussed.
November 16th – 3rd Friday in November:
Noon time picketing: Intersection of Mesaba and Central Entrance, by the Copper Top Methodist Church. Show up with your peace signs and banners.
Evening Panel: Focus remained to pull in the Faith Community with general ideas such as Faith In Action , Mobilizing Faith Communities, or Faith and Peace.
Locations were discussed and 6 places generated. First Lutheran then Peace Church, then Chum Center will be asked (other locations, Gloria Dei, International Harbor School, and Dioceses of Duluth).
Forum was meant to provide a BIG PICTURE view, have a variety of opinions but also some balance of gender, religion, ethnicity, etc. Some of the names put forth included: Pastor from Hayward, Lynn Larson, who was recognized for his leadership on Peace and Justice Issues; Pastor at Peace Church; John Sippola (formerly at Gloria Dei); Kim Crawford, Sister Terry S_____, Andy Gelb (Jewish); an Islamic leader; Peter Lambert; Chantey Wolfe; Black Community (St Mark’s Pastor). A sub-committee was put together to follow through with the planning: Adam, Dave, Ron, Steve, and Ozone.
Long Term Strategy: (briefly) Agreed not to have an action in December but meet twice in Dec. WHEN?
Need to develop a mission and vision. Need to agree on our message. Announcement made: Coalition to March on the Republican National Convention and Stop the War will have a planning meeting Feb 9-10 at the U of MN. See:
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