December 10, 2007

Report from the Dec. 9 NAWC Meeting

AGENDA: Process Committee, Speakers' Bureau, Iraq Veterans Forum, State & National Actions, People of Color Against War Forum, Announcements

1. PROCESS COMMITTEE: We continued our discussion of the Process Committee report from our previous meeting. To view a copy of the written Process Committee's report & proposals you can click on this link:

We voted to accept the general line of the report and its proposals. We also discussed and voted on several specific issues coming out of the report, such as: A.) we will start holding half hour socials before each NAWC meeting at the Chester Creek Cafe; B.) we will hold quarterly potlucks at Joan N.'s house [2329 Rosyln Ave. in Duluth]. The first of which will be on Saturday, Jan. 19 from 5-7pm. C.) We will start sending out a monthly Peace Calendar in email and printed forum beginning in January. The Outreach Committee will handle the calendar. D.) Joel S. & Peter K. volunteered to put together a specific proposal on meeting facilitation to be discussed and voted on at our next general meeting.

A sign up sheet was passed around for the 4 new standing committees that we've set up [Process Committee, Finance Committee, Outreach Committee & Vision Committee]. A call will be sent out via our email lists and websites soliciting further members for these committees. People can join them at any time. They'll meet at the end of each regular NAWC meeting, at no later than 3:30pm.

2. SPEAKERS' BUREAU: Hal reported on the recent 3 meetings of the Speakers' Bureau committee. They've come up with a tenative list of speakers and catagories of speakers for the bureau. The goal is to produce a brochure of our speakers that can be sent around to area groups, teachers and churches. If you have any ideas for speakers you can email them to Hal at

3. IRAQ VETERANS FORUM: NAWC, together with Iraq Veterans Against the War, will be hosting 3 campus teach-ins featuring Duluth and Twin Cities Iraq veterans on Wednesday, Feb. 13. We're tenatively shooting to hold a noon teach-in at UWS, and mid-afternoon teach-in at LSC and an evening teach-in at UMD. Afterwards, that same evening, there'll be a social/get together with the speakers at Sir Ben's tavern in Duluth. One of the goals of these teach-ins is to reach out to young returning veterans.

We brainstormed locations and times for the teach-ins. Steve W. is heading up the work on that is at UMD. We also need more students and/or faculty at Lake Superior College to help with this. Email if you go to LSC, or know someone who does. More details on these teach-ins to come!

4. NATIONAL & STATE EVENTS: It was reported that at our last general NAWC meeting we voted to endorse the idea of bi-coastal mass demonstrations against the war on or around the 5th anniverary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Since then, Peace North in Hayward has also endorsed the call, and the Wisconsin Network for Peace & Justice is considering the proposal. We voted on this proposal at the requrest of New England United, an anti-war coalition in the Boston area that is seeking to get a feel for how much support for Spring bi-coastal demos there is among local peace groups.

FYI: It was also reported that there is going to be a national peace confernece in San Francisco this coming January that is sponsored by Cindy Sheehan.

And it was also discussed that there is going to be an planning meeting in the Twin Cities on Feb. 9-10 at the U of M to talk about the protests against the Republican National Convention that'll take place this fall. There will be a car caravan going to this meeting from Duluth. For more info call Gary of Vets for Peace at (218) 729-6712.

5. JANUARY FORUM: We decided to shoot to hold our Jan. 18 "Native & African American Voices Against the War" forum at the Central Hillside Community Center at 7pm. We also put together a list of speakers to invite and decided to let the Outreach Committee work on the other outstanding details, like press work, etc.


-Adam reported that Socialist Action is holding a forum on the Jena 6 on Dec. 9 at 6pm at the Amazing Grace coffee house. The current issue of SA Newspaper also contains some great articles on Iraq & Blackwater.

-Joan recommended people read an article by Josepth Stiglitz called "The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush" which appeared in the December issue of Vanity Fair.

-Steve reported that UMD Students for Peace is going to be holding a film showing of "On the Line" about the School of the Americas protests on Weds., Dec. 12 at 7pm in the Kirby Lounge.

-Colette reported that is sponsored a meeting with Jim Oberstar about possible war with Iran. Gather at noon at the Duluth Federal Building on Friday. For more info email Colette at

-NAWC won't be holding an Iraq Moratorium event in Duluth this month on Friday, Dec. 21 - instead we're urging folks to go to the vigil that day in Hayward, WI that is being organized by Peace North. The vigil will be held from 4-5 p.m., at the intersection of Highways 27 and 63. If you're looking for a ride to this event, you can email Suzanne G. at or Carl S. at
Meeting Attendenace: Fern A., Joan N., Colette K., Steve W., Peter K., Suzanne G., Ron M., Hal B., Joel S., Carl S., Adam R.
NEXT NAWC MEETING: Sunday, Dec. 23 at 2pm at the Chester Creek Cafe [1902 E. 8th Street] in Duluth, MN. Everyone is welcome!
[minutes taken by Adam R.]

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