NORTHLAND ANTI-WAR COALITION Jan. 13 Planning Meeting Report
Attendance: Joel S., Gary, Virgil, Peter, Colette, Ron, Suzanne, Joel K., Andy, Kathy, Sue, Adam, Lori, Jilloise
1. Committee Reports: A.) Suzanne presented the Process Committee's meeting facilitation proposal for how to run future NAWC meetings, including proposals such as picking moderators ahead of time, having a vibe checker, speakers' list stacker and note taker. The Process proposal was accepted unanimously with some minor changes. B.) Colette reported for the Outreach Committee, which has been busy doing promotional and press work for the Jan. 18 events, putting out NAWC's first monthly Peace & Justice calendar and dividing up the various groups that have supported NAWC in the past in order to reach out to them again.
2. Jan. 18/Iraq Moratorium: Jan. 18 will be the Iraq Moratorium day for January. NAWC will be holding 3 events on that day. From noon to 1pm we'll be holding a peace vigil in Duluth at Kenwood & College St. From 4-5pm we'll be holding a peace vigil in Superior at Tower Ave. & Belknap. And at 7pm we'll be holding a forum at the Central Hillside Community Center on "Native & African Americans Speak Out on the War".
3. Feb. Teach-In Plans: On Feb. 13 we're going to be hosting a series of campus teach-ins with Iraq Veterans Against the War. The UWS events will be at noon in RSC 111. The UMD event will be at 7pm. We've yet to nail down an details for LSC though. We'll keep trying to find some folks there to help out, otherwise we'll either cancel the 3rd teach-in for that day, or move it to CSS or WITC.
4. RNC Stuff: There is going to be a planning meeting on Feb. 9 & 10 at the U of M for organizing protests at the upcoming Republican National Convention, that'll be held in Minneapolis, Sept. 1-4. NAWC has voted to endorse the anti-RNC protests. If you'd like to carpool down to Mpls. for the Feb. planning meeting email Gary S. at
5. Canadian War Resisters: Joel K. reported on efforts to get the Canadian government to allow U.S. war resisters asylum in that country. There's going to be a vigil outside of the Canadian consulate in Minneapolis on Jan. 25 at noon [701 4th Ave. S., Mpls.]. NAWC voted to endorse this protest. For more info email Joel K. at
6. Announcements:
-Joel S. urged folks to caucus for Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer at the DFL caucuses. Jack will be at Mitchell Hall at CSS on Jan. 23 at 7pm. For more info on Jack's campaign contact Joel S. at
-Suzanne announced that there will be a "Peace & War in the Heartland" plan in Minneapolis on February 22, 2008 at Rarig Center on the Twin Cities’ campus and runs for 14 performances. For more info email Suzanne at
-Adam announced that Youth for Socialist Action will be hosting a discussion on Black political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal on Sunday, Jan. 27 at 7pm at Amazing Grace. For more info email Adam at
-Colette announced that the UCC Peace Church's Just Peace Committee is launching a film series. For more info check out Peace Church's website at
-Sue presented a petition for Instant Runoff Voting that is going to be promoted at the upcoming MN caucuses. For info on how to help with this email Sue at Sue also has a copy of the movie "Sir, No Sir!"
-Joel K. will be the meeting facilitator for NAWC's next meeting, which will be on Sunday, Jan. 27 at 2pm at the Chester Creek Cafe in Duluth [1902 E. 8th St.].
-meeting notes taken by Adam R.
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