September 17, 2008

Report on the Sept. 14 NAWC Meeting

Sunday, September 14, 2008
1. RNC REPORT: Scott B., Bob K. and Adam R. reported on the anti-Republican Party Convention protests that took place in St. Paul over Labor Day weekend. Several Twin Cities organizers, including a former NAWC activist from Northland College, were arrested prior to the protests and are being charged with felonies. The main, peacefull protest drew between 10-30,000 people. The bus that NAWC sent broke even financially, and was almost full (there were a few last minute cancellations). We marched as the Duluth contingent in the protest. Following the march, there was a separate protest in downtown St. Paul in which 299 folks were arrested.

Special thanks to Peter K. for organizing the NAWC bus, and thanks to the folks who donated extra money to make the bus possible and to sponsor riders who were short on funds.

2. OCT. 11 PLANS: Our next big protest will be on Saturday, Oct. 11. The plan is to gather at the Leif Erickson Park on London Road in Duluth before noon. From 11:30am to noon we'll have music for those assembling, then at noon we'll march to the MN Power Plaza for a rally with speakers. We voted to invite Frank Boyle, Mike Jaros, Kathy Heltzer, Chelsa Nelson and a laid off Duluth librarian as the speakers. Bob K. will be the rally MC. We also adopted a flier for the event. If you would like to help distribute fliers send an email to

3. IRAQ MORATORIUM: This month's Iraq Moratorium picket will be on Friday, Sept. 19 from 4:30-5:30pm at the Memorial Park on Grand Ave. in West Duluth. Extra signs will be on hand, but feel free to bring your own.

4. FALL MAILING: Adam R. presented a draft text for a letter to sent out to the NAWC snail mail list. We generally do mailings once every six months, and we're due. The goal of the mailing would be to inform people about our fall events, ask for donations, and to encourage more folks to come to the NAWC meetings. The letter was approved, and sometime in the next two weeks a mailing party will be organized to do the work of sending it out. If you'd like to help with this send an email to

5. HEALTH CARE PROPOSAL: Bob K. presented a proposal for NAWC to take on a "Health Care Not Warfare" grassroots campaign. The goal would be to reach out to new people, and present the issue of the war in a different way that may reach people we're not currently reaching. At our next NAWC meeting we'll continue to discuss this proposal, and how it could be put together.

6. RADIO PROJECT: Scott B. reported that he would like to work on trying to get KUMD, and perhaps other radio stations, to carry Democracy Now. A committee is being put together to work on this. If you'd like to help Scott with this you can contact him at


-On Tuesday, Sept. 16 there will be a public forum on health care at 7pm in the UMD Kirby Ballroom. The sponsor is the Twin Ports Health Care for All Coalition.

-On Sunday, Sept. 21 there will be a public forum on the history of Afghanistan. The forum will be at 7pm at the East Hillside Neighborhood Center, 1406 E. 2nd St. in Duluth. Adam Ritscher will be the speaker. It is sponsored by Socialist Action.

-Adam R. is circulating an Open Letter to the Anti-War Movement from the National Assembly that is calling on the big national anti-war groups to hold a joint mass protest against the war in the Spring. If you're interested in endorsing it email him at

8. NETWORK OF SPIRITUAL PROGRESSIVES: As part of our new project to invite a different member group of our coalition to give a presentation about themselves at each of our meetings, the Network of Spiritual Progressives did a presentation at this meeting. Tom S. and Hal B. were the presenters. NSP is a national group that has a local chapter in the Twin Ports. Its goal is to change the culture in this country, and to approach progressive political issues using the language and tradition and spiritualism. NSP currently has two main projects: 1. promoting a "Spiritual Covenant With America" and 2. promoting a new "Global Marshall Plan". You can find out more about NSP and its work at these local websites:

You can also read more about NSP at its national website:
Attendance: Scott B., Tom S., Ellie C., Bob K., Adam R. and Hal B.
Notes taken by: Adam R.

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