February 14, 2011

Take action: Congress to vote on Pentagon cuts

Within a few weeks Congress must pass what's called a continuing resolution to fund the federal government. If the legislation fails, government will shut down. House Republicans are using this opportunity to push drastic cuts to domestic programs and non-military international relations. Alarmingly, their plans include an increase in military spending. This is only a more draconian version of the budget plan put forward by President Obama in his State of the Union address, in which he called for a 5-year freeze on domestic spending even as his administration put forward the largest military budget in history.

This week, Representative Pete Stark (CA) will introduce an amendment to the continuing resolution that would insist that the Pentagon budget be put on the table. Your Congressman needs to know that you support reining in military spending. If you live in Duluth/NE Minnesota, your representative is Chip Cravaack. If you live in Superior or NW Wisconsin, your representative is Sean Duffy. Urge him to support Rep. Pete Stark's amendment to the continuing resolution requiring immediate cuts in the Pentagon budget.

For more information about the amendment, including a list of 10 reasons why military spending should be dramatically reduced, visit Friends Committee on National Legislation.

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