June 12, 2007

Report on the June NAWC meeting

NAWC Meeting Minutes 6/10/07

Present: Sharla Gardner, Michelle Naar-Obed, Carl Sack, Adam Ritscher, Jen Veile, David Moultin, Emily Gaarder, Ozone Bhaguan


-General Strike for Peace
-UFPJ Conference
-Cindy Sheehan

1. General Strike for Peace

Michelle reviewed the plans for the General Strike for Peace that NAWC has endorsed, to take place starting/on September 21. Right now is the time to get the word out about the Strike.

Carl presented a pledge which he had drafted up for people to sign, pledging to take time off work or school and attend a rally against the war. Suggestions for revisions were made and will be added to the final pledge. It was also decided to make a small card that people could take reminding them of the action and what to do.

Publicizing the strike at music festivals was discussed. Upcoming summer music festivals we could maybe be at include Green Man, Bluesfest, Safe Haven benefit and Reggae Festival. Some folks volunteered to get involved with festival organizers (I'm assuming you know who you are, as I didn't write down names –ed).

Possible pledge actions that we would ask people to take include:

-Take the day off work or school
-Attend a rally
-Do a lit drop
-Send a letter to the editor and/or Congressperson
-Be socially responsible
-Help organize the event
-Join a local peace group
-Present a workshop
-Bring food to the rally

Michelle said she would look into getting these things added to the website (www.generalstrikeforpeace.com).

Local events for the strike were discussed. It was decided to have a March and Noon Rally; the march would gather at the Clayton, Jackson, McGhee memorial at 11:30 AM and proceed to the Civic Center for the noon rally. We discussed getting food donations for the rally so people could eat lunch there, and also possibly the guy who runs the Wiener Wagon would want to help out.

Having workshops was also discussed. We decided to put out a call for workshop presenters. Possible locations include Leif Erickson Park, Chester Creek Café, First Lutheran Church, and elsewhere. It was determined to get presenters first, then find places. Ideas for presenters people said they would contact included Donna Howard, Frank Jewell, a Vets for Peace speaker, mayoral candidates, and the peace choir (I think Sharla said she would talk to them).

As for getting endorsements, Sharla said she would help get the Central Labor Body endorsement and participation this Thursday at 7 if others showed up. It was also suggested that we contact progressive local businesses, perhaps to puta poster in their window saying "we support the General Strike for Peace."

We also decided to publicize via buttons with the NAWC logoand "General Strike for Peace.com" and the date on them.

2. Cindy Sheehan

Sharla wanted to do something to contact Cindy Sheehan with a message of support. She said she would send her ideas to Carl, who volunteered to draft a letter in NAWC's name.

3. UFPJ Convention

NAWC is affiliated with United for Peace and Justice, which will be having a major conference on June 22-24 in Chicago. Registration costs $155 and lodging about $25 per person per night for hotel rooms. NAWC members going to the conference include Carl, Adam and Michelle. Adam and Michelle were designated the official NAWC delegates. It was voted for NAWC to give $200 to split three ways for conference expenses.

4. Website

Ozone put together a Joomla software package for a website at no cost to NAWC. He needs to know a domain name we want, site moderator, logos and identity information. The website can be used as an umbrella site for member groups' pages. Jen volunteered to be a website moderator. It would be good to have more than one person trained on how to administer the site, so anyone who is interested in helping out, contact Ozone at info@ozone914.com.

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