July 3, 2007

Report on the United for Peace & Justice National Assembly

It was terrific. Over 300 people from 35 states, representing close to 200 member groups of United for Peace and Justice, gathered this past weekend outside Chicago for the 3rd National Assembly of UFPJ.

The energy was high, and the conversation was deep. Not a moment of the assembly time was wasted as we met in full plenary sessions and small groups, over meals and even during breaks. Those who came to the Assembly understood the urgency of our common work, as well as the need to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the moment. By the end of the weekend there was agreement on a plan of work for the coming period, as well as a newly elected national steering committee for UFPJ.

The central action being called for by United for Peace and Justice is a day of regional, mass antiwar demonstrations in 6 to 8 cities around the country on Saturday, October 27th. The goal is to tap into the very broad sentiment against the war and to bring new people into the streets in numbers we have not yet seen. But instead of asking everyone to go to Washington, organizers from around the country decided it was time to offer people mass mobilizations closer to home.

The Assembly re-affirmed that the central focus of this coalition is our work to end the war in Iraq and bring all the troops home, now! [ report continued at: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3694 ]

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