February 29, 2008

Report on the 02.24.08 NAWC Meeting

-Attendance: Joel K., Andy A., David M., Colette K., Peter K., Hal B., and Adam R.
-Chair: Adam R.
-Note Taker: Adam R.
-The Process Committee had nothing to report.
-The Vision Committee had nothing to report.
-The Financial Committee is planning on doing a fund appeal mailing and a silent auction at our March 21 protest.
-The Outreach Committee will be doing a mailing this Saturday [March 1] at 2pm at Colette's house. The mailing will contain a fund appeal letter, and info about our upcoming March 19 & 21 protests.

2. IVAW REPORT: On Feb. 13 we hosted Iraq Veterans Against the War teach-ins at three area campuses. 75 attended at UWS, 61 at CSS and 66 at UMD. That's over 200 people total. We got a lot of coverage in the DNT, Labor World, campus newspapers, as well as local radio and TV stations. It was discussed that we need to pick our moderators more in advance so they can be prepared.

3. RNC REPORT: Colette reported on the recent Twin Cities planning meeting for the upcoming protest at the Republican National Convention that she and Gary attended on behalf of NAWC and Vets for Peace. We'll need to organize buses from Duluth to this event, which we'll take up at a future meeting. She passed out a written report about the conference and recommended that folks check out this website for more info. http://protestrnc2008.org/

4. 5TH ANNIVERSARY PROTEST: We're going to hold a one hour vigil from noon to 1pm at the Duluth Civic Center plaza on Wednesday, March 19. Half way through that vigil we'll have a press conference with local community leaders and activists to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and to invite folks to attend our March 21 action. On Friday, March 21 we'll assemble at 5:30pm at the MN Power Plaza. From there we'll march to the YWCA, where we'll have an indoor rally starting at 6:15. Following the rally we'll have a potluck and silent auction, and then from 8-10pm we'll have a mini-film fest.

We have four slots for the film fest to fill. If you have a film you'd like to show you can contact Andy A. at (218).

We also brainstormed for speakers to invite to our press conference and indoor rally, and worked out details for the potluck and silent auction.

Regular sized color fliers, and black and white half sheet fliers have been made up for the event. Next week we'll also have 11 x 17 black and white fliers. If you'd like fliers to distribute you can call Adam at (715) 394-6660, send him an email at mnsocialist@yahoo.com or drop by and pick some up from his porch at 1506 N. 19th St. in Superior.

5. VOICES FROM IRAQ: Peter discussed an idea of his to hold a forum with local speakers who are from Iraq, or have been to Iraq. We'll discuss this further at a future meeting.

6 NEXT MEETING: The next NAWC meeting will be on Sunday, March 9 at 2pm at the Chester Creek Cafe. David M. will be the facilitator. If you have agenda items that you would like discussed at this meeting, please email them in advance to David at loavesfishesduluth@riseup.net

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