Northland Anti War Coalition meeting minutes from 7/13/08
Meeting was held @ Andy & Kathy Anderson's home as our new meeting place was not available. The next meeting will be at 1406 E 2nd St on Sunday 7/27 @ 2PM. Attendance - Scot B; Andy & Kathy A; Adam R & Peter K.
There are many events & projects being worked on both by NAWC affiliates & by NAWC in association with affiliate groups. Please consider participating & helping out with any that fit for you.
1) The Duluth Air Show will be flying into town this week-end (7/19 & 7/20). Greg S from Loaves & Fishes will be the contact person for anyone who would like to help with being at a greeting station to share food & dialogue with Air Show attendees. Contact Greg at 724-2054 for more info or to become involved.
2) Iraq Moratorium Vigil which is held the 3rd Friday of each month will be at London Road & 21st Ave East this Friday, 7/18 from 4:30 to 5:30. Signs will be available or bring your own.
3) Walk & Rally for the Lake - clean up & protect Lake Superior ie: get the barrels out. This Sunday 7/20 10AM gather at Brighton Beach for a walk at 11AM to Lief Erickson Park, arriving there at 2:00 for a rally & music. Contact Nukewatch @ 715-472-4185 or Loaves & Fishes at 728-0629.
4) Sister City of Duluth program has been approached by Michelle N-O and a working group is being formed to look into establishing a relationship with the city of Rania, Iraq.
5) Days of Remembrance 8/6 to 8/9 Understanding the Costs of War. Is an event that is being planned by a working group of NAWC members, affiliates & community members. The next planning meeting for this will be Monday 7/21 @ 7PM @ Chester Creek Cafe.
The tentative plan calls for:
-8/5 a news conference announcing & outling the following events;
-8/6 A Day of Silence - various groups to carry out individual acts to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima on that day in 1945;
-8/7 A Community Conversation on War - Panelists & small group discussion at Unitarian Universalist Congregation Bldg;
-8/8 Film and discussion "Why We Fight";
-8/9 Day of prayer & remembrance to commemorate the bombing of Nagasaki on that day in 1945.
6) Bus to the Republican National Convention on Monday, Sept 1 to participate in the peaceful protest that is being organized by The Coalition to Stop the War and March on the RNC. A bus has been reserved and with the current march schedule of 12 to 2 we will gather at Peace Church @ 8AM where day long parking will be available. The bus will leave at 8:30 AM and return that same day. The cost of the bus will be $30 to $35. We need to have people sign up for the bus as soon as possible so we can know that it can be filled. Contact Andy Anderson or Peter Krause Contact has been made with the Coalition planning this march and assurance has been made that this march will be peaceful and in accord with the principles of non-violence. And that there is a formal agreement that there will be a clear separation geographically from other groups with other possible plans. Internal dialogue will continue on this matter to address any further & ongoing concerns. For further info on the march see
7) The "National Assembly to End the Iraq & Afghanistan Wars & Occupations" was reported on by Adam who attended with some other members & Steve C of Peace North. This conference was held in Cleveland on 6/28 & 6/29 for the purpose of bringing together local & national anti-war groups from across the country to coordinate planning and reduce turf defensiveness. A future schedule of events was suggested by this body for local groups to plug into & NAWC will consider organizing in concert with them. This schedule will include:
-10/11 Pre-election time period & recognition of the invasion anniversary of Congressional approval for the war.
-12/9 to 12/14 A week of nationally coordinated - locally planned actions.
-Building toward a large bi-coastal (& inland) event in the Spring of 2009.
*) Obviously there are lots of plans in the works & we could sure use more help in bringing them about. There will be a variety of opportunities to welcome your unique gifts & desires. The next NAWC meeting will be Sunday 7/27 @ 2PM at 1406 E 2nd St. And please read carefully for events & planning meetings to be occurring in the next few days (such as Monday 7/21 @ Chester Creek Cafe planning for the August event).
Respectfully submitted, Peter Krause 728-9395
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